IKEA and their devotion to people

IKEA has always been an adventure, at least it is when I go with my daughter. Covered in gravy and excited to see furniture my whole trip seems to turn into one giant impulse shopping spree. During my most recent trip I focused on the other shoppers rather than the plethora of goods. There were families discussing décor ideas and kids playing in the children rooms. Thoughtful decisions were being made and memories created. Other than looking like a big weirdo watching people buy furniture I feel like I learned something. There were people of all colors and creeds all sharing the same interest in products.

Recently IKEA released an ad showing kids taking a Christmas tree out of a house and placing it in the woods with other trees. The ending says “The best gift is being together”.

IKEA Operation Treenapping –


IKEA is a household name and known for their gigantic stores with a seemingly never-ending product list of funny names. In their 2017 catalog there is an ad depicting a same-sex couple with a banner in the foreground reading “All homes are created equal”. While this was not the first time IKEA embraced the LBGT community it is what people needed to see at this point in time. IKEA is displaying unity as a celebration of differences. They are placing importance on bringing homes together in more way than one. The newer ads show how IKEA furniture can successfully intersect with life.

All Homes Are Created Equal –


IKEA Dining Room (1994) –


IKEA embraces how simply living life and creating memories have replaced the desire to hoard material objects. This could explain why in some parts of the country “Tiny Living” has exploded. The emotional responses that IKEA is aiming for with the short ads is resonating with consumers. They are able to break down barriers by showing how all families are relatively the same.



IKEA The Dream –


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