You will find a boatload of articles suggesting the death of mass-marketing, and how poor a job it does at reaching end customers. Although it sounds about right, big corporations continue to invest millions on mass-marketing. A better approach is to create a personal customer experience with the brand. Skintimate did it when it launched its disposable razors. It created a pop-up store in Manhattan where women could stop by, listen to great music, sip custom cocktails that matched their product selection, and get their legs shaved. A get-ready-ritual performed as a community.

The direct experience with the brand will indeed favor how this product is accepted and viewed by customers. Many companies seek to create a feeling of the first-hand experience with mass-commercials, but too often these fail. Instead, corporations should focus on creating innovative ways to bring the product to the consumer in personal and interactive ways.
Boucher, R.K. (2019). Retrieved from:
8 Responses to Business to Consumer Ads