Kellogg and House Wine are partnering up to introduce an unlikely combination of red wine and a box of Cheez-Its. Available for a limited time only for $25 at This partnership and product helps create a buzz and build excitement around the two brands.

According to Jeff Delonis, Cheez It’s Marketing Director, fans for many years have been pairing wine with Cheez It’s on social media. Delonis adds “we’re excited to deliver on that specific consumer trend.” The split box contains the original Cheez-It crackers and a dispensable red blend of Cabernet Sauvignon and Merlot. The pairing was chosen by winemaker, Hal Landvogit, who said the two flavors compliment one another.

According to Delonis, “snacks serve as strong growth engines” and new products and specific partnerships help further promote the Cheez-It brand. Additionally, “it places each product in front of a consumer group that might not independently seek out the other; a wine fan for example might not naturally consider Cheez-Its as a viable option for a quiet night in” (Miller, 2019).

In summary, the summertime collaboration can help revitalize the Cheez-It brand and capitalize on the growing success of House Wine who’s sales have grown 3% just in the last 13 weeks (Wiener-Bronner, 2019). House Wine and Cheez-It’s are even recommending additional pairings such as Rose’ and White Cheddar, Malbec and Zesty Cheddar Ranch and Sauvignon Blanc with Extra Toasty Cheez-Its. So, the remaining question is which pairings will try out next wine night?

Miller, S. (2019). Cheez-It and Boxed Wine Come Bundled Together in This Unexpected Summer Collaboration. Retrieved from
Wiener-Bronner (2019). Cheez-It and a boxed wine company are teaming up. Here’s why. Retrieved from
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