Click to buy


Have you ever been annoyed by ads of an item that you saw on Amazon or another online store that you added to your cart or wishlist didn’t quite purchase yet? I’m sure all of us have been in this situation where we were browsing and spend some time looking at a particular item that we like and go on our social media or other websites only to see it again through text or images. It’s creepy, disturbing, but at the same at the same time fuels the desire to get it. As consumers, we may find it irritating, but for marketers, they call it a successful tactic. It’s called “remarketing” and is a smart way for marketers to re-connect visitors to a company’s website that had their interest but haven’t made that final purchase. We live in a digital world where marketers are always looking to try innovative ways to tap into the consumer’s interest. They may hit the jackpot on this one. The tactics of remarketing have helped big brands increase their ROI. Remarketing works by placing cookies on the website of the visitor’s computer or device that they visit. Each cookie has an ID that is added to the list of the audience to be marketed. A marketer can arrange different lists that can be utilized in various ways such as to reach different goals and criteria or various types of consumers.

Why is remarking so important? It’s important because as consumers you’re brought back to the item, product or brand that you’re interested in. It’s not just some random ad that pops up and jumps at you. On top of that, 96% of people that shop online are not ready to purchase and checkout of their cart. From a marketer perspective, remarketing allows the company to target visitors to their website that has been established consumers of the brand. It’s smart marketing by directly targeting the audience. It’s definitely a win for marketers since it has one of the most impactful tactics in digital marketing. According to data from SEJ (Search Engine Journal) on the State of Digital Marketing, there’s a data that reported  91 % of SEJ expert believe it is an effective method. Another data from SEJ also shows that remarketing decrease advertisement fatigue on consumers by half. The ads provided a personalized experience for the user and it is also relevant to his or her interest.

Like I mentioned before, marketers are always looking to find a way to get the audience attention on various platforms, and as consumers no ones to be flooded with ads that they don’t want. As creepy as it sounds, it may not be exactly a win-win situation on both sides, but can we call it close?



Vrountas, T. (2018, March 15). The 7 Biggest Digital Advertising Trends Taking Place Right Now. Retrieved March 18, 2018, from

What is Google Remarketing and How it Works. (2018, February 6). Retrieved March 19, 2018, from

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