FLOTUS AKA “The Closer”

First Lady Michelle Obama

First Lady Michelle Obama

Since Election Day is almost upon us, the status of the United States Presidency seems to dominate all media platforms almost all of the time. President Barack Obama, Hilary Clinton, Donald Trump, and many other politicians, pundits, and bloggers have been at the forefront of advocating for their respective slates ad nauseum and in all of their soundbites, debates, and interviews, yet everyone seems to keep talking about the words of what some referred to as an unlikely political figurehead, the First Lady of the United States Michelle Obama.

It’s no secret that the First Lady is a powerful, effective, and eloquent speaker. She coined “when they go low, we go high” which has become one of the  go-to campaign taglines. Although her words have already touched and inspired many, myself included, throughout her tenure, one of her most recent speeches resonated with so many people that it earned her the nickname, “The Closer” (Davis, 2016).


First Lady Michelle Obama’s most recent speech not only cemented her force to be reckoned with on the campaign trail, it also established her as a mouthpiece of many disempowered and silenced voices all over the nation speaking out (Davis, 2016). This digital theater became a marketing communication piece heard and talked about throughout the U.S., as its results were twofold: it became a part of the political and public discourse on the gender divide and the double standard women face on a daily basis. It also became its own marketing campaign identifying and highlighting the lack of integrity and inappropriate behavior demonstrated by presidential candidate Donald Trump.

First Lady Michelle Obama’s words caused many to cross the political divide and stand up for gender equality, parity, and for humanity. Her speech wasn’t just about politics; it was about a real, major and sometimes disabling issue. It touched on every one of the SUCCESs principles. It was sticky, it was emotional, it was a reflection into an unpleasant reality that has remain unaddressed for far too long.

So I realize that President Obama has to leave the White House, but does the First Lady have to go with him? If the same thought has crossed your mind, you will probably enjoy this: Can Michelle Obama just be First Lady Forever.


Davis, J. H. (2016, November 5). The Closer: Michelle Obama. The New York Times. Retrieved from http://mobile.nytimes.com/2016/11/06/us/politics/michelle-obama-2016-presidential-election-first-lady.html?0p19G=c&referer=https://www.google.com/

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