Heartwarming Holiday Ad- UPS Delivers Wishes

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It’s that time of year….Holiday Ad Time. We are being bombarded with ads for great deals and things we need to give to each other to warm their heart. It’s really about STUFF instead of people.  I recently came across this ad by UPS that is part of their UPS “Your Wishes Delivered” campaign. This campaign aims at doing good for others during this consumer driven time. For every wish shared on the UPS social media channels, UPS will donate $1 to one of three charities. Below is the powerful ad that UPS launched about the cutest little boy and his wish.


UPS has successfully integrated their media for this campaign and I look forward to following it as it progresses during the Holiday season.

Check out the UPS Wishes Delivered website here: https://wishesdelivered.ups.com/?WT.mc_id=VAN701354#all-wishes

Screen Shot 2014-12-08 at 9.46.28 PMHow do people feel about this ad focused on people instead of stuff during the Holiday Season? The timing is perfect in my opinion.


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