Is “Yippee” enough to win over “Choosy Moms?”

I have a secret.

Sometimes I take a spoon, dip it into a jar of peanut butter and eat it.  That peanut butter spoon makes me so happy. It’s sweet. It’s salty. It’s just plain yummy. And peanut butter is healthy, right?  It’s all good.

I’ll bet you have always wondered what was in the jar of peanut butter. An ad agency in my backyard, Minneapolis-based BBDO created a new ad campaign for Skippy, the brand’s first tv spot in more than five years (Phelps, 2014). The tag “Skippy … Yippee” headlines an ad that shows only fun peanuts go into Skippy peanut butter. (Ahh, now we know!)

The ad turns the well-known “Yippie, Skippy” phrase around. It’s a simple and memorable slogan with an ad that tells a story (Heath, C & Heath, D, 2007). There also is consistency across media as its social media sites the new have the same fun look and feel as the ad. screenshot screenshot

Skippy has a big task on hand: try to carve into Jif’s share of the $2 billion (that’s with a “b”) peanut butter market. Right now, Jif holds about 55%, while Skippy only 22% (Phelps, 2014).

You are probably wondering what happens to the non-fun peanuts. They make their way to an office party held in the company’s cafeteria. #boring.

See the full ad on YouTube:


Heath, C & Heath, D. (2007). Made to stick: Why some ideas die and others survive. Random House.

Phelps, D. (2014, September 22). Business: StarTribune. Retrieved from StarTribune website:

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