As many of us may know, the COVID – 19 has taken the world to the next level. Many countries have mandated that their citizens stay in doors until further notice, unless they need to go out for essential. The United States is one of those countries. With all this in mind, essential stores still remain open such as grocery stores, some restaurants (take out only), and some retail stores.

All in all, many gyms, if not, all gyms are closed until further notice. Jamie Ducharme, an illustrator for Time, describes an interview she had with Dr. Paul, a medical director of the division of infectious diseases at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston. Dr. Paul Sax (2020) states, ” The gym is not a place that’s necessarily riskier than other communal areas. I wouldn’t say there’s anything particular about people sweating that makes them more contagious.” This is not to say take the risk of catching COVID – 19 at the gym because many people will still not go to the gym, even if they were still open.

So what to do in the mean time? Many people have taken to video work outs and finding a way they can work out home in order to still get some type of work out while under quarantine.
Gabby Landsverk, writer for Business Insider, shows a majority of fitness leaders are moving towards the virtual workout and personal training videos, which can be streamed (Landsverk, 2020). Furthermore, many fitness trainers and the leaders of the fitness world are not looking to make a quick buck in these times. For example, Landsverk (2020), explains, “personal trainers, including Instagram fitness influencers, have begun offering their online programming for free or at a reduce cost during quarantine.”

Janine Puhak, publisher for Fox News, shows how one gym organization is providing free videos for members and non members. Puhak (2020) goes on to say, ” Planet Fitness is offering free workouts on Facebook Live to get moving and beat stress during the ongoing outbreak. No equipment is needed and workout classes will be 20 minutes or less.”
Sophie Tanno, a writer for Daily Mail, depicts how Italy has taken advantage of the quarantine that they are under as well. Tanno (2020) explains, ” They followed fitness instructor Gonzalo who stood on a roof in a courtyard as workout music blared out around them, performing exercises including squats, jumping jacks, and reverse lunges.”
In addition High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) work outs and other body work outs, remind me of my basic training in MCRD San Diego for the Marine Corps, just without the Drill Instructors in your face and the intensity they want you to do it at.
Overall, we can stay in some type of shape, even in doors. We have to make the best of the situation we are all in. Please do not leave your home unless you really have to. Stay safe Trojans!
L Jay
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