I recently took The Modern Marketing© 10-question Quiz
to assess what areas could use improvement at my work – a trade union of about 20,000 members.
In terms of social media activity and media outreach, we scored fairly high; but when it came to brand articulation – I couldn’t say that our key stakeholders (employees and members) could consistently and regularly speak accurately about our brand features, commitment and individuality in less than two minutes; as posed by the question.
Getting employees and members to accurately understand and communicate the union’s brand of delivering quality public services and protecting workers’ rights, etc. is a challenge in itself. Getting to the point where they can communicate this in less than two minutes is even more challenging, but an effective guide to ensure the message is concise and memorable. Although this may be contrary to Chris Grams’ advice to be subtle about communicating your brand – allowing people to live it rather than tell it; I think posting a short and snappy brand statement on our website would be a good starting point.
A lot of the advice from the quiz results covered basic tips for driving visitors to your website by creating and posting content on various online platforms, such as blogs. One tip also suggested responding to reporter queries about your organization and sharing information with reporters looking for expert commentary on sites such as HARO, ProfNet and Reporter Connection.
This infographic is a great illustration of what it takes to be a modern marketer:
Wesson, M. (2013, April 3). The Modern Marketer: Part Artist, Part Scientist [INFOGRAPHIC]. Pardot. Retrieved from http://blogs.salesforce.com/company/2013/04/the-modern-marketer-part-artist-part-scientist-infographic.html