Music in Political Campaigns

The use of music in political campaigns can be quite dicey. Much of the time you need persmission to use the music directly from the artist and it also should be relevant to your cause and your campaign. How can we forget openly anti-gay, Michelle Bachman’s use of Katy Perry’s openly pro-gay song “Firework” in 2011. Luckily, her lack of research or just plain ignorance bought her some backlash from the LGBT community.

Many republican candidates, like Bachman and previously Mitt Romney experience push back and formal requests to discontinue usage though it sometimes does happen to democrats.

Why use music in your campaign? The same reason that music is used in an advertising campaign and afterall, what is a presidential campaign but a long advertisement for our potential candidates. Music has always been used to inspire and set a mood. It gives voters insight into the values and personality of the candidate beyond the words that are constructed by multiple speech writers. Music is a form of communication that goes beyond written and spoken word and evokes emotion and rhythm.

Bernie Sanders used John Lennon’s “Power to the People” and David Bowie’s “Starman” while Trump used Rolling Stone’s “You Can’t Always Get What you Want” multiple times throughout his campaign, including the use of it in closing out his acceptance speech on election night.

What gives? Why use a rather grim song when past presidents have used more inspirational songs like “Don’t Stop Believing” by Fleetwood Mac. Is it a reference to a pragmatic outlook or his outlook just as bleak as many Americans? One thing is for sure, the Rolling Stones surely don’t like it and their fans have offered up some alternatives.

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What do you all think about the use of music in political and advertising campaigns? Should candidates always request permission from artists before using a song?


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