Online dating apps like Tinder, Grindr, Bumble and Hinge are pioneering a new dating world. As if dating wasn’t ambiguous enough…

As Americans find themselves confined by the restrictions of a pandemic, dating apps have experienced new levels of participation. The question is, though, how are these couples managing to take things to the next level (grab drinks or dinner, get your minds out of the gutter) when they are confined to their home?
Well, I’m glad you asked. Happy hours and coffee dates are out, and Zoom and FaceTime are in. Helllooooooo 2020.

Dates companies are especially encouraging these behaviors. For example, OkCupid released the above infographic based on users’ profiles. Hinge launched a “Date From Home” menu that gives users the option to join each other for a digital date.
I love that dating apps are offering singles (well, hopefully singles) an opportunity to still enjoy human connection in a safe way. However, I wonder what the lasting impact of this new trend will have. When daily lives return to normal, hopefully sooner and not later, will Americans face any difficulty returning to live dating?

Not only has this pandemic changed the way Americans are dating, but people are finding creative ways to engage in sexual activities, too. There has been a reported increase in sex gadgets that couples can enjoy together from a distance, virtual strip clubs are apparently a new phenomenon, and people are even attending Zoom sex parties.

Hey, whatever floats your boat. I must say, I’m impressed by the creativity that we’ve seen come forward in the midst of COVID-19. And in all seriousness, I encourage everyone to do what the can to safely maintain human connection and interaction. Self-isolation and these stay at home orders can be really lonely and detrimental to our mental health. Stay safe out there everyone.
And remember… ONCE SOMETHING IS ON THE INTERNET, IT IS THERE FOREVER. Be smart, and don’t post anything you wouldn’t want Dr. Muthuswamy to see!!! Lol
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