Digital marketing is the newest advertising frontier, and must be taken into account when designing well thought-out marketing strategies.
If that is so, then FACEBOOK needs to be understood. As the #1 social network, it counts with an impressive number of eyeballs, however, its demographic is aging (41% of users is over 65 years-old!). Younger generations (particularly those under 30 years-of-age) prefer INSTAGRAM. Instagram is easy to use from your phone and has more than a billion users. The next tools in digital marketing that must be considered are ChatBots and YouTube. No one seems to be able to learn anything by reading anymore – they need to see it – believe it!! Videos are a MUST! Live streaming is another medium to be explored, these are spontaneous and captivating if done the correct way. Above all things, the content must be solid, appealing, and relevant.
In terms of digital marketing, seems the tools have changed and evolved, however, the fundamentals remain. Content is still king, and you must segment your target audience well, and reach them where they are so that you can deliver your persuasive message effectively.
O’Brian, C. (2019). Retrieved from:
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