
If you watched that and your eyes are dry, you may have a heart of stone. Personally, I found myself in the fetal position searching for my dog to soothe my broken soul.

Budweiser hit us where it hurts with this one, guys, in possibly one of the most effective public service announcements ever made. Those painful seconds when I thought the guy died in a fiery crash were absolutely excruciating. It was a powerfully effective reminder of the terrible consequences of drunk driving, but it was artfully paired with the sweet innocence of the bond between a boy and his dog.

Budweiser is winning your hearts and your money with this spot. They’re tapping into a marketing technique called emotional branding, a theory developed by Marc Gobe in his 2001 book, Emotional Branding: The New Paradigm for Connecting Brands to People. Gobe theorizes that brands are able to develop such a trusting and deep connection with consumers that people actually feel loved and genuinely cared for by them. This ad/PSA executes this beautifully with a genuine and heartfelt message. #friendsarewaiting

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