Can Trump Reach Millennials

Now that the election has settled down and almost 30 days has past, we still witness protests from voters who are not in support of the president elect. Although President Elect Donald Trump was successful with reaching inner America and the working class, it is clear there is a significant communication gap between his administration and the Millennial generation. Experts have likely already begun on developing a strategy for this Mr. Trump to not only target this group, but to reach the milestone of simply getting through to those who oppose him from this generation. Although they may not like his politics, he will need to work diligently at earning their respect. There is a silver lining  with Millenials: they did not care for Hillary Clinton either. There could be long-term benefits should trump win over this group across the country.

Amongst Millennials, both candidates were considered highly unfavorable (Gangitano, 2016) and neither were candidates of choice. As a communication specialist, I find significance with dedicating resources to reaching this audience. Although the challenges facing Trump are clearly emotional and likely perceive as fresh wounds, his time and decisions in office could slowly earn respect and mend the torn tissue from the election process. Simply put, Trump will need to think about how his decisions will impact this generation four years from now. I believe he has an entire team of experts figuring that out as we speak.


Gangitano, A. (2016). Generation Gap: Can Clinton and Trump Reach Millennials? Retrieved from:

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