Is Content Really King?

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is something many businesses spend a lot of money and time on. After all, ranking high on sites like Google and Yahoo can lead to a huge boost in revenue.  There was a time when things like keyword stuffing, buying mass links and duplicating websites was common practice in implementing an SEO strategy. However, in recent years many major search engines have made an extra effort to change their algorithms to work against these kind of tactics.

So what is it exactly that search engines say will rank high? Two words: Quality content. Search engines are working hard to provide their consumers with the content that is

Some people compare SEO experts to snake oil salesmen.

relevant and easy to digest. So what do they deem as “quality content”? Original, timely and relevant content with no signs of a webmaster trying to game the system.

But what does this do for the small business owner trying to fight through the clutter and get on Google’s first page? Many argue this limits a small businesses ability to compete with big contenders because quality content cost money. While others claim it makes the internet a better place.

My question to you is, what do you think? Are the new content demands of search engines making things better? Could it potentially hut small business? I would love to have some dialog in the comments below.

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