Lil Wayne Finds His Calling

The new Galaxy S7 has released multiple comical commercial featuring rap star Lil Wayne.  The new phone has a certified water-resistant rating and can handle more than just spills. In the commercial below, Lil Wayne demonstrates the possibilities of this new device by spilling champagne over it and even dunking it into a fish tank. According to the Samsung website, both of these things are easily possible with the phone without a protective case.

Many companies use celebrity endorsements for their commercials, but Lil Wayne is not expected to add so much character and comedy to the commercials. Using his popularity, Samsung has gained many viewers and attention considering multiple news articles discussing how this is something other than music that he was truly born to do.

The phone also has virtual reality capabilities which is demonstrated in multiple other commercials with the rap star. Although Lil Wayne is a pretty random choice for the company, clearly this was a great way to get viewers to watch the commercials and be entertained at the same time.


Fuller, G. (2016). Lil Wayne Is Surprisingly Funny In These New Samsung Commercials. Elite Daily. Retrieved March 14, 2016, from

The new Galaxy S7. (n.d.). Retrieved March 14, 2016, from

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