Marketing Automation

One of the trends of 2016 that is buzzing around marketing departments is Marketing Automation. It is a current marketing trend that is a must. Marketing automation can imply doing email blasts but there is so much more work and opportunities offered to engage your audience and make them your costumers.

Marketing automation can consist of many digital marketing strategies, leading a customer to brand website and offering a tool to get to brand Facebook and Twitter pages to view customer reviews and responses on product use. Also, automating Tweets and Facebook posts of current campaigns and generating buzz while current product is entering global market will have a great advantage. The purpose of marketing automation is to engage in your potential customer, lead them to purchase and build brand loyalty. Marketing automation is an important part of businesses marketing strategies for 2016 and there is no way getting around it. Some companies like to do things the old way.  That just doesn’t fly any more in an economy where smartphones are vehicles for businesses to connect with costumers. In a time where a tweet or post on Facebook can have a potential reach of billions marketing automation is guarantee to boost sales.

Taking leads, nurturing them and continuously connecting with your leads will have positive effects. Some people think email is dying down and all automated email messages fall in spam folders. Email is booming more and not dying down with other tools of communications such as Facebook messenger, Viber, Whatsapp. Plus personalization is in existence. Customers can click on interests and join email lists. Marketers have the chance to provide engaging content that connects with  potential customers. Marketing automation can also measure impressions with clicks. It is the top way businesses can follow data on marketing efforts and profit.

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Lets not forget some of the important marketing automation strategies that we might get. I don’t know about you but it works for me every year on my birthday with emails from my favorite brands wishing me a Happy Birthday Month.

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Roetzer, P. (2014, January 9). 15 Ways Marketing Automation Can Maximize Your Content’s ROI. Content Marketing Institute. Retrieved from:

Patel, N. and Ritika P. The Definitive Guide to Marketing Automation. QuickSprout. Retrieved from:


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