Have you ever been set up on a blind date?
Perhaps your mother’s new tennis partner has a son/daughter who she feels would be “just perfect for you”? This is essentially a sales environment… and the same apprehension, intrigue, desire for more detail and risk assessment you might feel going into this scenario is replicated time and again when engaging with choosing which brands to spend your hard earned cash with.
In the same way dating is a set of individuals seeking arrangements, brands are constantly seeking consumers out, wanting to attract them to their products and build a relationship with where they gain trust and ultimately business.
Here are three ways modern marketing is like modern dating:
1. Relationship Goals
In the same way each individual is seeking a partner with similar values, brands need to narrow in on the relationship elements of the target persona that they mean to engage. If your brand is geared towards adventure-lovers, do the research to find out what they like, where they hang out, and what they want in a partner – then, seek them before all others.
2. Keep it Fun and Engaging
Like all dating, brands should engage the audience in ways that are fun and keep them wanting more. In a world of constant connectivity and information overload, there is a lot of research and risk assessment that goes into dating – the same goes for consumers and brands. Brands, just like dating partners, need to be engaging but not obnoxious – enjoyable experiences leave the consumer wanting more… the same goes for dating.
3. Be Yourself
We are attracted to brands just like we are attracted to partners. It’s important to build trust by being honest and genuine in both dating and brand messaging. Keeping secrets will only make for a blow up down the line. Set the expectations of the brand up front and allow the genuine connections.
The analogies could go on. The main point is this: brands need to genuinely understand and connect with consumers so that a strong relationship grows. If a brand can truly identify their target audience – who they are, what they like, where they are located, how to connect with them, and so on, it is on the right path to entering into a long-term relationship and being introduced to their family, friends and future growth.
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