Sensai: The AI Social Media Marketing Solution?

Artificial intelligence, or AI, has evolved from a creepy science fiction trope to an element that continues to evade and support our everyday lives. Utilizing AI in order to bolster social media marketing is now something that is accessible to smaller businesses, thanks to a new program called Sensai. Why would a small business need AI to create an effective social media presence?

According to the Small Business Social Media Confidence Survey, 46% of participants believed creating and maintaining an effective social media presence was more difficult than filing tax paperwork (“Small Business Survey,” 2018). Other key findings include small businesses being unhappy with their social media returns on investments, and that the ever-changing social media landscape proves difficult for small business owners and employees (“Small Business Survey,” 2018).

But is AI the answer? According to Sensai, capitalizing on shifting algorithms is the best solution for small businesses hoping to catch up, as well as get ahead, in the social media marketing world. Since these algorithms are constantly changing, it can be hard to keep up organically without the aid of artificial intelligence (“Small Business Survey,” 2018).

Is this the way of the future? Understandably, AI has become a growing part of nearly every major industry, and a balance between organic and artificial intelligence is to be expected. However, will businesses begin to rely less on a genuine understanding of their target audience’s changing needs or will the right marketing strategy evolve from a formula derived from shifting algorithms?



Small business survey shows social media marketing is harder than filling out income taxes. (2018, November 14). Retrieved from


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