To Tweet or Not to Tweet? That is the Question?

How many of you like to tweet?  I might be one of the few that does not tweet, yet!  But for those of you that do, here is some news.  All companies will now have the opportunity to know exactly what you are tweeting about. and Twitter have signed a contract which will allow SalesForce Radian6 program to analyze all tweets and report all the comments to their 100,000 customers. So what does this mean for you?  Well it means that all tweets are being funneled by Radiant6 and reports are being sent to companies about what you are saying.  According to Rob Begg, VP of marketing at SalesForce Radian6, this new analytical software will hep companies and “brands deal with all the social content being lobbed” (Peterson, 2012).


“Rather than just seeing that a consumer mentioned a brand on Twitter, Salesforce Radian6 Insights could show the brand that the consumer is a guy in his mid-thirties living in Oakland interested in aerobics, cloud computing and movies (assuming that consumer had already offered up that information). The product can also determine whether a post expresses positive or negative sentiment, so that a TV manufacturer, say, could see that people who are really into sitcoms don’t care for 3-D TVs but those who like epic series such as HBO’s Game of Thrones are”(Peterson, 2012).



There is no escaping what you say, it will be analyzed and shared!!! This is another Big Brother watching what you are saying.  So will you continue to tweet knowing that your every word is being analyzed?  We know that all blog posts and tweets are public, but Radian6 will analyze and report it to the companies that that you mention in your tweets.  How do you feel about this?  Is this a good idea?  Do you feel this is too much and will this prevent people from expressing what they really feel?  Will this really help companies with their branding and ultimately increase their customer base or is this just an infringement on you civil rights?  Will this information keep you from tweeting?


Peterson, T.  (2012). “Salesforce Radian6 Launches Insights to Make Sense of Social Data Partners include Klout, PeekAnalytics”.  Retrieved July 17, 2012 from:

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