VR in Social Media

On the day before the release conference of Samsung, Facebook announced the news that it would apply 360- degree video streaming media technology on Samsung VR Gear head display.

Facebook’s reliable business partner, intelligent mobile phone giant HTC also unveiled its VR technology together with its latest VR head display. Mark Zuckerberg claimed, ” HTC will be collaborating closely with Oculus and Facebook’s other team, to create the cornerstone of future social media VR experience on all platforms.”

“VR will be the next platform where anyone can experience whatever they want,” said Zuckerberg Mark. “We have no doubt about it, and we believe that VR will be a major mean or tool, which people will understand in any way. ”

Facebook’s innovative spirit on the Internet to allow it to have a steady stream of good ideas, such as the production of Basics Free applications, as well as the deliberation about the possibility of using laser coverage to connect to networks. “Our offspring should have much better lives than ours,” Zuckerberg said “but the problem is that you how to invest to make it all come true?”

Facebook hopes that they can work to create low-cost network infrastructure equipment, so the expansion of network will be more cost-effective, Zuckerberg says.

“This year we will do our best to do what we are doing,” Zuckerberg said at a recent global mobile conference in Barcelona.

The leaders of the Facebook social VR team are the famous game developer Daniel James, who developed the “Pirates Puzzle”, and the developer of the classic game “Left 4 Dead”–  Mike Booth. “Imagine that you can sit in front of a bonfire, and play with your friends anytime,” Zuckerberg said. He also shared some VR data and mentioned there had been a total of more than one million hours of video being hit to watch on the Gear VR head display.

Facebook is committed to using its “new social VR team” to create the foundation for the long-term future of social VR continually.

It seems that VR is about to play a significant part in our future social media. So what do you think about VR technology?




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