What the Fleet?

Today, Twitter launched the newest enhancement to its platform called Fleet. Fleet allows Twitter users to post content in a similar manner as created by Snapchat, which now has been recreated across Instagram Stories, Facebook Stories, and, most recently, LinkedIn.

According to Twitter, this new functionality will enable users to share content users may not typically share since Fleet content only lasts on Twitter for 24 hours (Harris & Haveson, 2020). The company’s research had shown users were more inclined to partake in a conversation on social media platforms through ephemeral venues (Harris & Haveson, 2020). Like preceding Stories on other social media sites, Fleets content can be video, image, or text-based, or, share a reaction to a Tweet (Harris & Haveson, 2020). Additionally, Fleet posts can be customized with background colors (Harris & Haveson, 2020). Live features and GIPHY stickers are to follow (Harris & Haveson, 2020). Fleets can be accessed and viewed at the top of users’ home feed (Harris & Haveson, 2020).


How did social media industry experts receive this?

What are some tips for using Fleet?

Try it while it’s hot!

Consider accessibility.

Meanwhile, ironically, the rest of Twitter reminisced about MySpace. MySpace, an influential social media platform during its heyday in the early 2000s, is listed as a trending topic over Fleet.

What do you think of the ever-evolving social media landscape? Do you like the continual change or do you miss simpler times?


Harris, J. & Haveson, S. (2020, November 17). Fleets: a new way to join the conversation. Retrieved from https://blog.twitter.com/en_us/topics/product/2020/introducing-fleets-new-way-to-join-the-conversation.html

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