What Women Want: Dry Shampoo and Dunkin’ Coffee

Between running to carpools and boardroom meetings, women across social media have sparked a partnership between Dunkin’ and Dove. As PR Newswire shared this past month, Dry Shampoo and Dunkin’ Coffee have become the bare necessities of the female lifestyle.

Whether you’re a college woman functioning on low sleep and trying to stay on the go, or you’re striving to raise three toddlers, National Coffee Day was the trigger to this brand partnership. Not only has it resonated with women in New York for running on Dunkin’, but the dry shampoo phase is apparent, relevant and a lifestyle brand partnership that supports one another.

Recently pushing into a new direction from Dunkin’ Donuts, the brand, Dunkin’ has partnered with Dove to reach influencers within the past month. The partnership actually launched a landing page DovexDunkin.com and showcased the various ways to enter their contest. The winner receives a year supply of coffee and dry shampoo. The brands are striving to engage influencers and their audiences to enter the contest utilizing #dovepartners to enter the contest via #dovexdunkin.

Lifestyle mom bloggers promote the two brands in a “real” self-post.

This is a creative connection to continue to build on empowering women exactly where they are in life. The Dove Real Beauty Campaign connects to this audience of over 909 posts on social media and resonates with the audiences they are influencing as see within the comments on Instagram. Furthermore, the #DovePartners represent over 4,500 posts on Instagram alone, reaching thousands within their personal audience base and driving authentic conversations around women, their lifestyle habits and a connection to what keeps them beautiful and energized.

Lifestyle bloggers promote the two brands in a city environment.


This campaign is an incredible connection between motherhood and the busy working woman’s lifestyle. Both women are busy and both appear to run on dry shampoo and coffee. This collaboration doesn’t discriminate and highlights the various lifestyles of a woman in 2018.

Comments on Instagram drive a relational connection to both brands.

The bloggers and Instagram users have not only engaged the brands, but they have also demonstrated a keen ability to activate their Instagram audience through authentic copywriting, sparking engaging comments and emojis. The audience wants to participate, whether the content includes a blogger’s children or it includes women on a typical day, going to work. Regardless, this campaign helps women to reimagine exactly who they are and the environment they are apart of on a day basis. It pokes fun at the humor behind dry shampoo but also elevates the promotion in a space that recognizes the benefits carried out, along with Dunkin’ coffee, showcasing enjoyable yet sustainable lifestyles. I absolutely loved this brand partnership and believe it’s a step in the right direction, relating to the recent readings in Week 07 in CMGT541.

Mother and children promoting Dove and Dunkin’.

Unfortunately, I did spot that the contest entry indicates a launch of September 27, 2019 through November 8, 2018. From a brand management perspective, this could spike interesting controversy with incorrect placement of contest entry details on the landing page. Nonetheless, the rules page, which I imagine was approved through both legal departments, stated the correct information. With that being said, it’s important for all brands to consider promotional periods and the implications it can have on brands in this type of environment for contest entries. Besides, who wouldn’t want to win a year supply of Dunkin’ and Dove’s Dry Shampoo?

Blogger with Dry Shampoo and Dunkin’ Coffee.


In the state of recent Dove readings on the Real Beauty Campaign, share your thoughts on this brand partnership. Do you feel that Dove and Dunkin’ hit the mark with this brand partnership or were they way off? Share your thoughts below.



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