Would You “Like” This Gun Control?

It is no secret that social media has impacted nearly every avenue of communication from education to business. Social platforms have even helped American’s register to vote in recent elections. However, some are campaigning for a new social media test that would determine whether or not users would qualify to purchase firearms.

The creative concept has come after several horrific mass shootings that have taken place at concerts and schools. In some cases, the shooter has shown signs of outburst on their personal social media platforms which was ignored until it was too late. The bill for this law was birthed by a New York lawmaker and states that the police would be able to identify handgun license applicants by searching their social media pages and searches and disqualify those who post or search for violent or hate-filled posts.

As with most items in the political realm, there are those who disagree with this law, should it be passed. Gun-control advocates around the U.S. have already voiced concern for the bill, stating that these circumstances would be violating the free-speech rights of the American people… even though most social media platforms are already checked in order to be hired for most basic jobs.

Now, more than ever, people are concerned about another shooting that could cost American lives to be lost. While the bill may not be passed, it has caused discussion for the future safety of American people.

Where would the line be drawn? How do you determine who is prejudice and who is hateful? These questions are buzzing around our nations capital and only time will tell if they will be answered. But one thing is for sure, shootings are relevant in today’s America and people are pushing the discussion to help prevent them.


-Joseph Ross


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