Are you a target?

billboard1TV commercials, digital billboards, static billboards, radio advertisements, print ads.  Every day we are bombarded with advertisements trying to get us to buy it, try it, get it, or use it.  Whatever it is!  The first advertisement was most likely a cave drawing done with stick figures attempting to get a prehistoric man either to try fire or to buy a wheel.  So, what is next in the world of advertising?  That would be SoLoMo. 

What is SoLoMo?  You may ask.  The term SoLoMo is the blending of three words social, local and mobile.  SoLoMo is a term that advertisers and marketers use to describe the pulling of an advertising message to a user on a mobile device.

A computer program extrapolating information from a mobile device accomplishes the act of pulling the advertisement.  This information includes information such as the user’s location and activity on Facebook, Twitter, and/or Foursquare.  Historically, advertisers pushed advertisements on the consumers.  We were force fed commercials.  The commercials the advertisers wanted us to see.  Thanks to the advent of SoLoMo now when you see a Starbucks advertisement on your IPad you know, it is because, this morning, you checked in to Starbucks on Facebook.

–          Vicki Young   CMGT 541-B

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