“Are you one dimensional?”

“Integrated marketing communication is a holistic approach to the areas of advertising, public relations, branding, promotions, event and experiential marketing, and related fields of strategic communication”(Persuit, McDowell Marinchak, Ebrary, 2016, p 1).

As an undergrad in PR we learned to be a jack-of-all-trades, our department was in the journalism school so we saw collaboration of all areas of journalism.


Today as a communication student I have learned that in the real world this is considered a holistic approach. Communication is not one-dimensional so we can no longer be one-dimensional practitioners. We are fighting for space and impressions in a multi-faceted digital environment; we can no longer depend on reaching our customers during prime time TV in the 8’clock time slot. Even the most expensive and well thought out commercial is subject to on demand viewing.

Heather D’Amico  (2015)is also a blogger who shared six M’s for mastering your integrated marketing campaigns. They include, market, mission, message, media, money and measurement. Campaigns must be shared across multiple platforms to be deemed worthy of a consumer’s time. These six M’s are a good starting point to avoid being one-dimensional.



Customers know they have the power in their hands, and they want to be wowed! Organizations know that their dollars don’t stretch as far as they used to, and they want to be wowed! How do we do this? We stay multi dimensional. We use all of our integrated marketing tools together to create campaigns that reach television viewers, online surfers, social media addicts, tweens, millennials, the gen-xer, baby boomers, and everyone that has two eyes.

So here is my advice, stay multidimensional and your campaigns will never fall flat!




Persuit, J. M., McDowell Marinchak, C. L., & Ebrary, I. (2016). Integrated marketing communication: Creating spaces for engagement. Lanham: Lexington Books.


D’Amico, H. (2015, April 14). The 6 M’s of Mastering your integrated marketing campaign. Retrieved from http://www.carnegiecomm.com/blog/the-6-ms-of-mastering-your-integrated-marketing-campaign/



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