Did you contribute to Cyber Monday’s $7.8 Billion Today?

How many of us have made a purchase on our phones in the last 24 hours? * raises both hands* And let’s be honest, Cyber Monday had nothing to do with it. Every day for me can feel like a cyber Monday. Google a “promo code” and that instant satisfaction for free shipping gets me to complete my cart and hit “checkout.” Target at my fingertips without having to get in my car? What is this convenience?!  And then, here comes Apple with that Apple Pay face recognition which doesn’t require me to get up from my cozy bed to go and get my purse, open my wallet, and type in my credit card numbers?! Just take all my money! There is no coming back from this… online shopping is here to stay. So on that note, let’s talk about today’s big event: Cyber Monday.

With a projection of $7.8 billion in online sales, and a potential of being the highest-selling day of the holiday season this year, who wouldn’t capitalize on the opportunity to market their brand on this online “holiday”? What is most interesting is that $2 billion of those sales will be done via smartphones (59% of shoppers will be using their phones to make purchases, 35% on desktops, and 6% on tablets). According to Lunden (2018), that is a huge spike in growth (32%) from the last year.  If done right, this is marketing GOLD for many companies.  But the secret sauce is going to be in building the momentum and engagement online, especially with social content and intuitive websites. Creating incentives that drive the customer base to stay on your page, and actually go through with the check out. According to the Baymard Institute, 70% of shopping carts are abandoned. To combat that, set up effective measures in place like a personalized pop up to engage with the consumer (i.e. don’t miss out! Last of these items left, etc) which builds the enticement to buy.  By creating incentives, deals, and targeted promotions successfully, marketers and companies can truly reap the benefits of a record breaking online shopping season. Now the question is, did you contribute to today’s record $7.8 billion in sales? I sure did. All done while in the comfort of my bed, in pjs, on my mobile device. We are living the future, folks. It’s called: convenience at your fingertips. =)



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