
It was only Monday and the promotional emails started trickling in.  Black Friday is now a whole week dedicated to consuming.  Don’t get me wrong, I love consuming.  I do it all the time *sets down overpriced coffee*.  What I wonder is: if we can set aside a whole week for shopping, why can’t we set aside a whole week to be thankful for what we’ve got?  I’m sure there are similar stories every year, but as I browse the news and see headlines about refugees being detained at the border and fires destroying communities, it strikes me how lucky I am to be sitting in a comfortable coffee shop (there is a fire place!) writing a blog entry.

I was going to give you all a list of some things I’m personally thankful for, but we all can take a second and think of at least one thing (just a few examples in case you’re struggling: good health, full head of hair, comfortable bed, kick ass new pair of sneakers, you get the idea).  We all have something whether it’s big or small.  What I’m going to share with you instead are a few places where you can make a difference for people really struggling for something to be thankful for.  If you spend half the time looking at what these groups are doing as you did browsing Cyber Monday sales, it’s a win.

Action Against Hunger

Amnesty International

California Volunteers

National Alliance to End Homelessness

One Acre Fund    

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