How my Masters has informed my job hunt

After reviewing Vaynerchek’s book Jab, Jab, Jab, Right Hook (2013), I felt that I could use social media to market any brand more effectively. This got me thinking about my personal brand and my interest in marketing “Sarah Nettinga” as I seek to return to the work world full time after completing my Masters in Communication from USC and having a baby.

So I turned to online information about the idea of using social media to get a job through an online search. Not too surprisingly, everyone was suggesting that Linked in was the only option! Really! Linked in has done very little for me thus far, so I guess I better figure out how to use the platform more effectively. I need to master it.

Also, I found another shocking truth, “employers and recruiters are using social media more while using job boards less, a trend that began in 2008 (para. 7).” This makes me want to improve my brand and social media profile online. I look at my current social media presence and it seems as though Sarah Nettinga is not engaged on social media. This, of course, is true. I’ve been trying for years to figure out how I wanted to use the various platforms. Instead of just putting whatever entertained me in the space, I really didn’t do much of anything.

Now, I’m going to completely reverse this trend around Sarah Nettinga and deliver messaging that will get me noticed. My plan is to build a marketing/branding campaign around Sarah Nettinga and see if I can’t get myself noticed.

A crazy idea, but if it works, it could help others that are looking to rebrand themselves in the wake of the many changes in the communication channels that have displaced old ways of thinking. I would like very much to help others like me and be the Gary Vaynerchuk for job seekers! Develop a road map to change how people look for a job. What a great idea? Or at least I hope it is.

I also found another article that proved that I was onto something and I’m going to provide the link here because it was so great.

Let me know what you think! Am I onto something, a dreamer, or both? I can’t think of a better group of people to ask.


Joyce, S. P. (2014). Guide to social media and job search. Job Retrieved from

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