Is live-streaming a potential platform for brands’ advertising?

Nowadays, more and more people start watching live-streaming platforms. With the advantage of real-time, quick, and interactive, live-streaming has been well welcome by Gen Z in China. Several days ago in the shopping festival 11.11, China’s most famous liver-streamer, Jiaqi Li, a male who is famous for making lipstick try-on, had about 37 million audience watching his live-streaming about his discounts on 11.11. This number was huge, which should arise the marketers’ attention.

Will live-streaming platform be a potential marketing place? With the characteristics of strong interactions between liver-streamers and audience, it’s easier for live-streamers to get real-time and quick responses from consumers. For example, it’s easy for marketers to utilize live-streaming to advertise their big sales since liver-streamers can explain the rules clearly in their live-streaming and can answer any questions from audience quickly. 

Additionally, live-streaming could stimulate audience’s desire to make a purchase. Since lots of live-streamers in China mainly use live-streaming platform to sell discounted products, audience are very willing to watch their live-streaming in order to make a cheaper purchase. And under this circumstances, chances are that some audience may make a purchase decision merely because others are rushing to make a purchase or because the products are so cheap. In this way, one live-streaming may create huge profit for brands. 

However, it’s still risky for brands to adopt live-streaming to advertise. For luxury brands, it definitely will hurt the brand image by adopting this kind of way to advertise. Therefore, live-streaming might be a good way for small or new companies to advertise their brands and boost sales with the collaboration with streamers. Till now, live-streaming platforms in U.S. such as YouTube live-stream still have not step into using that to market or boost sales. Do you think it’s a chance for American brands or do you think it’s still risky?


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