Time magazine new cover “Is Truth Dead?” is a message and a warning to us as a society. While the United States administration disregards the value of truth in order to defend its position and maintain power, what is our role to defend it?
The cover might seem familiar to some since it copies the iconic 1966 cover “Is God Dead?”. Time magazine questioned the own existence of God in a world full of inhumanities (civil rights in the US) and a rising “godless” communist movement in SouthEast Asia. Of course back then, and even now, a majority still believe in God or in a superior power. But sometimes, they believe only when they want to…
It’s the same today with the truth. It seems that our politicians and part of our society only want to believe in the truth went it benefits them. This is a dangerous course, according to sociologist: a repetition of a false statement, even in the course of disputing it, often increases the number of people who believe it (Time. March 23, 2017).
It is illogical for a human being to think of the truth as non-truth…Thanks to our 5 senses and our scientific way of thinking (philosophy 101) we have the ability to recognize concrete objects, to reason, and therefore acknowledge facts.
But now we confronted with powers that wish to undermine the truth and build their own reality that benefits them. When Trump, campaign manager Kellyanne Conway evoked the term “alternative facts” to justify her boss actions or statements, it was clear that the new administration would be intolerant to the truth.
Now that we know how the White House and other populist movements in Western Europe does with the truth and facts, how do we counter back?
First: promote and defend an active, transparent, and investigative media. A free media is what defines a real democracy, the US has been blessed for having a diversified media, and Donald Trump knows it, thus he declared the media as “the enemy of the people”.
Second: participate! We need a population more politically active. Unfortunately, generations feel less compelled to participate in political advocacy or even vote. The legislative branch has tremendous power.
Third: be informed. Similar to advertising campaigns, anyone can be duped with a lack of information. Companies plague us with tons of ads to create a reality that probably doesn’t represent us, such as the fashion and beauty industry. However, we are seeing a change in the industry, because customers got informed, got active, and reflected their opinion on social platforms and the media (exactly the three points I mentioned). Now, some of these firms have changed their philosophy and adopted a more realistic view of society, closer to the TRUTH. One great example is the true beauty campaign by Dove.
We need to remember people that truth is what makes great nations, and without it, our freedoms will be lost. “Trust is a transaction between leaders and those they lead.” (Nancy Gibbs. March 23rd, 2017).
“Donald Trump Truth: Behind ‘Is Truth Dead?’ Time Cover.” Time. Time, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2017.
“Is God Dead?: TIME’s Iconic Cover at 50.” Time. Time, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2017.
“When a President Can’t Be Taken at His Word.” Time. Time, n.d. Web. 23 Mar. 2017.
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