Opinions in Advertising and Marketing

We live in an era where politics are now apart of daily dialogue, and the once clear-cut line between politics and daily conversations have merged. when considering the current climate, and concern for human rights, brands have also taken sides on specific policies and issues that are prevalent in society.

An early example of this phenomena is the Prop-8 legislation, and eventually what became the Nation-wide opportunity for same sex couples to legally marry. Several news outlets, from the Huffington Post, to BBC took the opportunity to highlight brands that outwardly and openly supported the decision.

Here are just a few examples of brands, from the traditionally liberal to multigenerational legacy, that embraced sex sex marriage decisions.

The last advertisement may not seem like an obvious one, but it is Tiffany and Co. Even in 2017, AdWeek published an article discussing how and why brands have decided to take political stands, and while some may not agree, I welcome the opportunity to support companies that are aligned with my own personal views, and feel that the transparency helps in those decisions.

While I personally value the decision brands make while voicing their political opinions, particularly when it comes to human rights and brand-relevant dialogue such as Patagonia’s outspoken contempt for Donald Trump pursuing the elimination of public land at Bear Ears and The Grand Staircase, I know that some may not feel the same. My mom, for example, and I do not agree on the subject, and often times as a beauty company we don’t necessarily agree with the way we want to go about the political climate and incorporating current events into our digital voice.

Voice Your Thoughts:

What examples have you seen of this phenomena recently, particularly regarding the NRA and gun violence in the US?

What do you think about brands speaking on behalf of the organization is support or opposition to current events and political decisions?

Do you want to know more about the political ideologies and potential support of any specific things?

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