Resume Optimization – Go Digital to Make the Cut

profiles-collageIf you are a student graduating soon, unemployed looking for a job or currently employed seeking a career change, the new mandate is to tailor your resume for digital appeal. Employing digital best practices will make certain your resume is delivered to the prospective employer’s inbox and boost your chances at securing the digital eyes.

More often than not, a job hunter will find they apply for a job and never receive a response or an interview invite. Prospective employers and recruiters are highly dependent on computer databases and algorithms to scan applicant resumes for a keywords and a certain format to shortlist the many applications –in some cases thousands of applicants. Databases are programmed to find the diamonds in the rough. According to Hewitt Chiu, a New-York based writer at, resume optimization can improve your response chances from a recruiter or employer. Even if you have the right skills and qualifications, the wrong format or context of your words will keep your resume in cyber land. It’s smart to start the process now to optimize your resume. Ian Siegel, CEO of ZipRecruiter (used by over 13 million job hunters) and Jerry Ihejirika author of “Your Digital Resume is Your New and Most Powerful Resume” offer a few digital best practices. Following these best practices will help you understand what works so you can make the cut and get the response.

Digital Resume Best Practices

  • Get passed computer filters. Tailor your resume to the job requirements. Resume tracking software requires the right keywords and in the right context to increase your inbox placement possibilities.
  • Be specific. Don’t generalize your experience or your skills. Showcase your skills upfront. The primary reason a resume is shortlisted because the skills match the job requirements.
  • Clarity matters. Accuracy with your length of experience is critical. Computer parsers are programmed to extract information from your resume and present the information in a hierarchical view based on the employer’s needs.
  • Detail. Detail. Detail. Add the employment experience but make certain the detail is relevant to the job requirements. Employers are looking for candidates that are a right fit and closely aligned to the job requirements.
  • Be searchable online.  Make sure your name comes up in a standard first and last name Google search.
  • Use a professional image. Project the right image for the job you seek.
  • Create an attention-grabbing format that incorporates social media websites and a link to your website or portfolio, if the job requirements call for digital experience.
  • Showcase your interests or personality. is one of six amazing tools to create the perfect digital resume, portfolio, and your personality.

Was This Helpful? Share your thoughts. If you are considering optimizing your resume, do your research. If you ready to take a leap into the digital space, Hewitt Chiu is available to help you. Hewitt is a valuable resource and experienced writer for resume optimization. Hope this helps and good luck with your resume!


Ihejirika, J. (2016, February 20). Your Digital Resume is Your New and Most Powerful Resume. Retrieved from

Morris, R. (n.d.). 6 Amazing Tools to Create Perfect Digital Resumes and Portfolios. Retrieved from

Walker, R. (2016, July 8). Getting Past the First Cut With a Résumé That Grabs Digital Eyes. New York Times. Retrieved from

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