The Effectiveness of Ethnic Marketing.

Hey, that Modelo Cerveza looks so satisfying and refreshing on television! I think I will go out and buy one.

This example is one of ethnic marketing working how it was meant to work. Modelo Cerveza’s is a beer that is originally bottled in Mexico and whose commercials usually depict Hispanics enjoying a beer around a BBQ or fun outing. The goal of marketers with this type of commercial is to influence Hispanic viewers to buy a Modelo beer because of the ethnically diverse actors in the commercial.

Generally, it has been shown that those consumers that relate to their ethnicity are more likely to purchase a product if depicted by a person of that same ethnicity (Lau & Lee, 2018). In addition, their impression of the commercial or advertisement is seen more positively by those that relate more to their ethnicity (Penaloza, 2017).

Thus, these results beg the question, how effective is ethnic marketing for the overall success of a company? Since ethnic marketing is targeting only one specific type of people, how is a company to financially succeed if not all type of people is buying their product?
Although there is no absolute answer, ethnic marketing is successful because of companies like Modelo Cervezas that strategically target their audiences based on the media during a specific event. This is known as situational marketing (Penaloza, 2017). Where a campaign targets a specific audience for a specific situation.

Thus, Modelo Cervezas will run their ethnic marketing campaigns during the showing of the World Cup or Boxing, which are events that are viewed by a highly disproportionate amount of ethnic audiences. This situational ethnic marketing helps the brand grow within that audience which results in the overall success of the brand and company (Penaloza, 2017).

Thank you guys.

Fight On!!

Sergio A. Hidalgo


Lau, H., & Lee, R. (2018). Ethnic media advertising effectiveness, influences and implications. Australasian Marketing Journal (AMJ), . doi:10.1016

Peñaloza, L. (2017). Ethnic marketing practice and research at the intersection of market and social development: A macro study of the past and present, with a look to the future. Journal of Business Research, 82, 273–280.

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