Using Comms to Move D&I from Necessary to Meaningful

With many organizations still approaching diversity, equity, and inclusion initiatives as a check box requirement versus an authentic set of activities that are core to the culture and livelihood of the organization, it can be challenging for the communication function to tell powerful stories that help advance the D&I agenda.

David Cohen’s (2020) opinion piece in AdAge this week walked through the Interactive Advertising Bureau CEO’s top predictions for 2021, one of which was that D&I will go from a check-the-box activity to something more substantial and real:

In this entirely new context, nothing will be more valuable than fresh thinking and the ability to view challenges and opportunities from multiple points of view. Leveraging everyone’s talent and creativity isn’t just the morally right thing to do, it’s vital to success. Everyone’s voice needs to be heard. (para. 10)

While we’re waiting for some businesses to establish robust D&I organizations that serve us up breathtaking action plans and inspiring employee stories, comms organizations can push efforts forward. According to Russ Norton, scarlettabbott’s D&I lead and head of client experience, the key is to “facilitate the environment in which positive change can happen” (scarlettabbott, 2020, 3:29).

Here are eight ways in which comms professionals can help move the D&I agenda forward:

  1. Champion issues by selecting topics and tone (scarlettabbott, 2020a). If you’re unsure of where to start, check out international diversity day calendars (scarlettabbott, 2020b).
  2. Open up the conversation with topics of interest to your audience and discuss what your business is already doing (versus what it plans to do). If your business is made up of mostly middle-aged Caucasian men, start with finance, family, or mental health (scarlettabbott, 2020c, 2020d).
  3. Use inclusive and neutral language to set the standard across the business (Datsko, 2020; Hall, 2019).
  4. Make your messages relevant to everyone—minorities and non-minorities alike by telling people why the messages matter (scarlettabbott, 2020c).
  5. Gather feedback on every communication prior to issuing it. Use your diverse relationships and employee resource groups for a fresh perspective (Datsko, 2020).
  6. Create spaces within your comms platforms for all voices to be heard—including those that typically aren’t highlighted—authentically (“open and honest conversations” that are void of sugarcoating) (Datsko, 2020, para. 24; scarlettabbott, 2020a).
  7. Use the conversations that are happening on your platforms to help drive culture change. Start with creating a manager/leader guide that summarizes conversations that are happening on your platforms (Datsko, 2020).
  8. Speak up if the messages you’re asked to communicate don’t match reality (Datsko, 2020).

What is your business doing to move D&I forward authentically? I challenge you to think through your organization’s D&I efforts and determine one way in which  you can push today to drive real positive change for tomorrow.


Cohen, D. (2020, November 19). Opinion: Streaming will soar in 2021 and the retail landscape will never be the same. Retrieved from

Datsko, O. (2020, July 15). How to communicate diversity and inclusion with authenticity — 10 experts explain. Retrieved from

Hall, B. (2019, September 12). Designing a diversity and inclusion (D&I) communications strategy. Retrieved from

scarlettabbott. (2020a, July 7). Internal comms and diversity & inclusion – Where’s the overlap? [Video]. YouTube.–6GT2dW0&

scarlettabbott. (2020b, July 7). Making it timely – How do you map out what D&I messages to talk about? [Video]. YouTube.

scarlettabbott. (2020c, July 7). Making it relevant – How do you appeal to majority and minority groups? [Video]. YouTube.

scarlettabbott. (2020d, July 7). Making it authentic – How do you make sure your D&I comms aren’t just a token effort? [Video]. YouTube.

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