What! Spying on my friends just got easier?!

Hi, my name is Melinda and I am addicted to Facebook.


Source :www.addiction-treatment.com

I really am. I check my newsfeed as soon as I wake up, when I get to work, countless times during the day and sometimes if I wake up in the middle of the night for water, I check it then too.  I’m pretty sure a lot of people do the same thing. Facebook is where we can keep up with everything that is going on in the lives of our friends, family and frenemies. This is why I am positive Facebook Home was made for people like me. Facebook announced that the new app will be available starting April 12 for Android phones. The app will become like a living screen and will constantly update your “cover feed.” Just like a newsfeed but now you don’t need to log in to the app to spy on your friends. Facebook Home will also improve on the chat that is currently Facebook Messenger, in case you can’t text your friend but you really need to chat. The only problem with Facebook Home is privacy. Which is a curious thing considering most people put their entire lives on Facebook but want it to be private when it comes to what information Facebook keeps.


So what information will Facebook be able to see with this new app? Facebook will have access to your messages through the app, the apps you’ve launched, your location (which you give when you check in places anyway), and all the juicy information it normally gets when you use the site or the original app.  Plus the information is only held for 90 days so rest easy my Big Brother hating friends, Facebook is not going to report to the mothership.

The problem I have with Facebook Home as a Facebook addict is that this app will not only hinder my daily recovery process but it will make my cyber stalking feel even more like real stalking. It leads to the question of how much is too much? Mark Zuckerberg has always been a fan of openly sharing information.This was the main reason for Facebook’s creation in the first place. However, are we oversharing? Has Facebook taken over direct communication? It will be interesting to see the effect this app will have on personal relationships as there really is no need to call someone when you can easily check their status to see how they’re doing.

All I can say is be prepared for me to text or call the instant you post something interesting because I’ll probably be watching as you type your status.

Stay strong fellow Facebook addicts. April 12 is almost here.

-Melinda Menchaca

Main source for this post: Facebook……. surprised?


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