Facebook on the Move

Facebook is on the Move

Online communications have come a long way from impersonal and un-customizable chat rooms, to the fully integrated Facebook. (i.e. fan pages, businesses pages, advertisements) Facebook started off as a platform to communicate with friends and now has transitioned into a vehicle for communication for businesses as well. Businesses such a Neiman Marcus and General Motors have bought into social media and included Facebook as part of their integrated marketing communications. Most recently, Facebook helped Pepsi reach 18-20 million people every month versus 3 million a year ago. (Rusli,2013) Hyundai saw a 28% increase in sales from its ad campaign on Facebook.

There are many ways that business can advertise via Facebook, they can advertise through their customizable business pages, as well as banner ads on the side bar and embed advertisements within the feeds. Using Facebook as an avenue to maximize consumer reach is advantageous; however, Bryan Nagy for Social Media Today states “the Facebook problem” is this: “brands have forgotten about integrated marketing communications.” Businesses have put much focus on Facebook, making it the core of their communications for potential mass reach that they have forgotten that Facebook is a single market channel and one part of the social media umbrella. (DM Confidential, 2013)

Bryan Nagy, further states that in addition to businesses making Facebook the core of their integrated marketing communications, “ there are other problems with how brands are using Facebook, – namely, the increasing noise, and additions to numbers and the lack of focus on crafting good marketing messages and creative.” (Social Media Today, 2013) Although this may be true, Facebook continues to be a powerhouse and a very effective tool for businesses.

BY: LeiLani Lemle-Macias

DM Confidential (April, 2013). ‘The Facebook Problem”: Brands Have Forgotten About Integrated Marketing Communications. Retrieved by: http://www.dmconfidential.com/ the-facebook-problem-brands-have-forgotten-about-integrated-marketing-communications/

Nagy, B. (April, 2013). The Facebook Problem: Why We Need to Rethink Facebook Marketing. Socialmedia Today. Retrieved by: http://socialmediatoday.com/bryannagy/1340136/facebook-problem-rethink-facebook-marketing

Rusli, E. (April. 2013). Buy Signal: Facebook Widens Data targeting. The Wall Street Journal. Retrieved by: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424127887324504704578412960951909032.html?KEYWORDS=pepsi

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