Sports Haters: The Next Level of Twitter Engagement

Once upon a time, we sat down to watch our favorite team (as long as it was in the same region where we lived) on  TV. Forget watching Barcelona Soccer playing Manchester, forget watching your daughter’s Division III volleyball team playing in another state.

Now there are a plethora of sporting events streaming live via Twitter (NFL, Soccer, youth sports and more)

On top of that, you can now multi-task by watching your game and Twitter “smack talk” with millions of people on earth who might think your goalie #bites or your kicker is #garbage.  If your favorite team is playing right now, simply hashtag your way into a new fan experience

#PHIvsNYG happens to be on right now, so let’s go take a gander….


Wow! there sure are some armchair quarterback’s out there. I guess they should have kicked the field goal! Twitterland can be a unique place to be a fan, but be warned, their team>than yours.

In a nutshell, as discussed in the New York Times in 2011 , it appears Twitter has become it’s own social media hub that they had hoped.

Twitter is a great mechanism for more engagement, so why not embrace it!


Hagen, J. (2011). Tweet science. New York Magazine. (Oct 2). Retrieved from

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