
Storytelling is an essential marketing technique for good reason. When executed correctly, storytelling can be a “powerful way to breathe life into a brand” (Monarth, 2014). Dell’s new “Future Ready” campaign is looking to do just that. Following the release of the “Beat Again” ad that launched last year (Maddox, 2015), Dell recently unveiled the next installment in their “episodic storytelling” campaign (Maddox, 2016), which show how the company’s innovative technology is not only helping businesses grow, but also making a difference in people’s lives (Natividad, 2016).


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In an era governed by technological advances and globalization, Dell’s new marketing approach is looking “to do more.” Specifically, the brand is looking to tell stories of how Dell is “helping companies transform the way they work – from the device, to the data center, to the cloud – so they can transform the lives of the people they serve” (Quintos, 2015). Along the way, Dell’s powerful ads have touched the hearts of many.

Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 9.48.57 AMMoreover, with an inspiring message, this new campaign is looking to put Dell “back on the map”. With links to the videos currently on Dell’s website, as well as on their social media channels and various digital media sites, the company is looking to sustain a competitive advantage over rivals like HP and Lenovo. Not to mention, with a recent decline in sales and revenue, Dell is looking to capitalize on “the irresistible power of storytelling” (Monarth, 2014), that has brought success to other companies.

Screen Shot 2016-03-27 at 9.44.29 AMFor example, Extra Gum’s new advertising campaign follows the “The Story of Sarah & Juan” as they fall in love, while constantly sharing a piece of gum. This heartfelt commercial is not only incredibly romantic, it also has all the elements of classic storytelling. As a result, this powerful ad has helped Extra command the attention of their target audience, in addition to unassuming viewers. Having shown this commercial to friends and colleagues, I can attest to its powerful and emotional message. Truth be told, the ad made most viewers reach for the tissue box, while simultaneously grinning from ear-to-ear.

While Extra’s product lines might be making a difference in people’s lives, they are by no means revolutionary. However, this campaign does illustrate how a compelling story can transform even the simplest product. It is no wonder Dell’s ads are looking to evoke a similar response from viewers.

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Furthermore, with the healthcare industry being on “the forefront of innovation” (Maddox, 2015), Dell’s Future Ready campaign demonstrates how technology is not just about fancy equipment or cool gadgets, at its very core, it depicts the power of the human mind. Although the videos are set in the “not-too-distant future” (Quintos, 2015), technology has the power to give life to businesses and families around the globe .

With all of this in mind, what’s your take? Did Dell’s “Future Ready” campaign “hit you right in #the feels”?


Maddox, K. (2015). Dell debuts ‘Future Ready’ campaign aimed at enterprise market. AdAge. Retrieved from http://adage.com/article/btob/dell-debuts-future-ready-effort-aimed-enterprise-market/298271/

Maddox, K. (2016). Dell breaks three new TV spots using episodic storytelling. AdAge. Retrieved from http://adage.com/article/btob/dell-breaks-tv-spots-episodic-storytelling/303194/

Monarth, H. (2014). The irresistible power of storytelling as a strategic business tool. Harvard Business Review. Retrieved from https://hbr.org/2014/03/the-irresistible-power-of-storytelling-as-a-strategic-business-tool/.

Natividad, A. (2016). How Dell’s ‘Future Ready’ campaign captures the heart (and soul) of tech innovation: Y&R extends story of girl’s heart transplant. AdWeek. Retrieved form http://www.adweek.com/adfreak/how-dells-future-ready-campaign-captures-heart-and-soul-tech-innovation-170358

Quintos, K. (2015). Are you future ready? Direct2Dell. Retrieved from http://en.community.dell.com/dell-blogs/direct2dell/b/direct2dell/archive/2015/04/30/are-you-future-ready.



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